Simple sales management

Add all of your contacts, companies, properties and projects into one place for easy management of your business. Add quotes, submit terms to e-sign, request payments, and create tasks to follow-up with every lead at the right moment.

Save time handling instructions

Services following the process of quote, instruct, inspection, report can be streamlined with our in-built sales flow. Quotes can be provided to customers, e-terms and payments can be processed and updates can be provided along the way.

For custom and long-term services, our CRM can help you submit quotes to customers for review followed by terms documents, payment requests and more. Add notes and tasks for each contact, company, property or quote to help you manage longer sales processes at every stage.

Increase sales by nurturing leads

Using our standardised flow, customers can be automatically nurtured 24 hours, 1 week and 3 weeks after they search to encourage them to go ahead. Generate more sales from your leads rather than ignoring them after the first contact.

Alternatively, for every quote or customer you can set tasks and reminders to follow-up so you are always speaking with your customer at the right moments.


Payments and Terms

Automate payment processes by integrating a Stripe or Worldpay account. Alternatively, you can request BACS payments and mark payments as received. Automatically create invoices for payments received via Zapier.

Report writing

Set up reports in your report writing software at the click of a button. Prefill information such as customer name, property address and more so you can focus on writing reports.


Make life easier by connecting your Surveyor CRM account to almost any other software through Zapier. Integrate calendars, automate invoice creation, build email marketing lists and much more.

Lead Generation

Manage your leads from various sources in one place. Whether from your website with our enquiry forms, lead generation sites or referrers.

Book a demo

We are always on hand to provide a demo of our system so you can understand exactly how the system can support and improve your existing processes. Book your demo now.

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